Month: April 2023

  • Missed this piece in The Guardian yesterday by David Robson about the physical and mental health benefits of writing.

  • Rather than Labour’s “Report Card” for UK schools, I wonder whether looking for approaches outside of the models aping big business would provide a solution.

  • Found This, Out

    Found this when out. It’s an old sign that’s been quite violently shredded by a vandal.

  • Seems like Johnson’s vile “I am the führer” exclamation as PM reported over the weekend is being completely ignored.

  • Listening to the first season of TANIS again. It’s great in creating an eerie, disorienting atmosphere.

  • Already after midnight and I’m still trying to work out how to improve these microposts. Need to save it for tomorrow!

  • Up too late again! I’m perpetually bemused how easily I lose track of time.

  • Working out how – and whether it’s worth it – to add micro posts here. Main issue is they look like junk clutter!

  • Have been reading Gene Wolfe’s The Fifth Head of Cerebus this evening.

  • Metallica 72 Seasons

    Metallica 72 Seasons

    Have to say that I’m enjoying the new Metallica album, 72 Seasons, a great deal. Metallica are a dangerous band for me musically as they encourage me to listen to thrashy, heavy metal at a time in my life where my inclination is far more still, gentle music or catching up with interesting stuff I really should have listened to earlier in life (said looking at the Throbbing Gristle playlist I’m putting together). Anyhow, I’ve spent this evening listening to the new album then revisiting past albums. For a band producing metal for 40+ years they are sounding magnificent.