At the same time I brought down my old PS3 and games, I found this copy of Fallout 3 for the Xbox 360. I’ve not ever played a Fallout game (not sure why and have played Oblivion, Skyrim and Starfield) and really enjoyed the tv series. I assume that it belongs to my eldest son. Luckily, it’s a game that runs on Series X – so I don’t need to also bring down and fix my old 360 that’s also in the attic.
Month: April 2024
Play Station 3
Dug out my old “fat” PS3 console from the loft today. The plan was to see if Disney Infinity still worked so my youngest son could play using the NFC figures (the piece that triggers the game was missing so we couldn’t do that). I also brought down the PS3 games I own and it’s a mix of terrible-what-was-I-thinking? games mixed (Ghostbusters) and some games I remember being really good (Heavy Rain). You can pick up old PS3 games from CEX for a couple of pounds at the moment, so I might get into playing on the Sony console once again. Now that the PS3 is over 15 years old, it’s frequently considered a “retro”-console. So playing on it is “retro-gaming” which makes playing on an old, out-of-date machine incredibly hip.
40K Painting
Finished my first-ever Warhammer 40K miniatures. They were part of the 40K starter set my son wasn’t interested in painting (he was more interested in the alien-like Tyranids). If I’m honest, I found painting the miniatures difficult and stressful – but glad I tried it. My only other experience of Warhammer has been reading several of Dan Abnett’s novels (which were enjoyable).
Brink Book 6, 2000AD prog 2379
Very pleased to see the return of Brink by Dan Abnett and INJ Culbard to 2000AD. I hadn’t read last week’s prog and, when I saw Culbard’s unmistakable cover for prog 2379, I had to dash out to WH Smiths and pick it up. Unbelievably, it’s Book Six. Brink is a future detective noir – with a mix of Lovecraftian cultism – set in the near future where humanity has abandoned Earth and live aboard gigantic space cities called habitats. It’s been my favourite strip in 2000AD for a number of years.
Ed Piskor
Incredibly saddened to hear of the death of Ed Piskor, comic book artist and co-host of Cartoonist Kayfabe. I’ve been reading Ed’s comics since Hip Hop Family Tree came to my attention a decade ago and have followed his work through Grand Design and Red Room. His heartfelt celebration of comics on his YouTube channel, Cartoonist Kayfabe – where he’d read through old comics or interview legendary creators – was energising and inspirational.
I’d missed the circumstances leading up to Ed’s death last week and was simply shocked to find the news of his suicide note and the usual shameless videos being posted in the hours afterwards. It really does look like he took his own life as the result of a nasty, online witch hunt which spilled over into real life. Ed was only 41 and was producing some amazing artwork just before he died.